Monday, May 9, 2016

Greek Orthodox Church

Churches have distinguishable objects attached to their buildings. At the top of this specific Greek Orthodox Church in Scranton, PA a golden cross is hosted on the steeple. To me this cross is not the typical cross that I am used to seeing. To this denomination the cross has a more specific and special meaning. Each stroke in the cross has a special and unique meaning. Places of worship are sacred spaces. In Sensational Religion, the importance of space is addressed in detail. Things within sacred spaces should not distract from the place they should add more to the space. Crosses in Christianity do not distract from the sacred space they add to them. The cross on this steeple did not distract from the space of the church. It allows all people passing by to notice the church. The golden color and the dome shape are eye catching to passerby. To someone of the Greek orthodox faith passing by the cross can be a daily reminder of the promise and devotion they put into the doctrine of their denomination. The cross could distract from the secular city. The church is in the middle of a college town and the public library. The college is a Jesuit college, which may not see an issue with the cross but public libraries are places of interdisciplinary sources that may not have or want a religious connotation.

The cross becomes a sacred object because of the value we place in the object. When people look at crosses they remember the faith they have. For some people the cross might help them keep their lives on track. The color of the cross could always have a significant meaning to a religion, culture, or individual.

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